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Top Tips on How to Beat The Squeeze When Scuba Diving

Top Tips on How to Beat The Squeeze When Scuba Diving

Lauren Mogg |

Top Tips on How to Beat The Squeeze When Scuba Diving

How can we beat the squeeze when equalising during our scuba diving descent? Most of us at some point have had difficulty trying to equalise as we descend when scuba diving. Ear equalisation is a basic, required diver skill that enables the equalisation of the pressure in the sinuses and middle-ear spaces with the pressure in the water. 

Easy Ear Equalisation Methods

We’ve asked around the shop with our scuba diving professionals, and we've learned a few methods that we want to share! Here are our top ways that have helped us beat the squeeze. 

Our No.1: Use the Earol Swim Tea Tree Oil before you dive: The Earol Swim Tea Tree Oil delivers a metered dose of a unique blend of Olive Oil & Tea Tree Oil into the outer ear finely coating the auditory canal, creating a water-resistant barrier. We have found it very useful when ear equalisation has proved difficult for us. Check it out on our website. 

Pinch your nose, blow and swallow at the same time: This is the most common method which you can complete ear equalisation. With this technique, you pinch your nostrils and blow through your nose. The resulting overpressure in your throat usually forces air up your Eustachian tubes. While closing your nostrils and blowing, swallowing at the same time can also help remove any blockage. 

Keep your mask clear: Water up your nose can irritate your mucus membranes, which then produce more of the stuff that clogs. So keep your mask clear of water so there’s no risk of blockage. 

Move your jaw up, down and side to side:  This is another way in which it helps to clear any blockage. Push your jaw forward and down as if starting to yawn. These muscles pull the Eustachian tubes open. 

A Few Tips to Remember When Equalising 

  • Never force ear equalisation. This can strain and possibly burst your eardrum. If you’re having difficulty equalising, ascend slightly until the pressure lessens in your ears, try equalising then. When you feel the pop, start descending again. 
  • Don’t let the pressure build up so your ears start to hurt. If your ears are starting to hurt, ascend slightly so the pressure lessens in your ears, try equalising them. When you feel the pop, start descending again. 
  • Start early! First, try equalising at the surface so you know that your ears are clear before you start your descent. Then as soon as you descend, equalise as often as possible so there’s less chance of pressure building up. 
  • If you cannot equalise your ears, end the dive. The last thing you want is an uncomfortable dive or risk bursting an eardrum. Make sure to signal to your buddy that you have a problem with your ear and end the dive. 

We’re Here to Help

We hope that you’ve found this useful for finding new ways for beating the squeeze. For those of you that have had difficulty equalising and learned methods for easy equalisation, let us know how you’ve managed this in the comments below. 

If you have any questions about ear equalisation or any of the topics mentioned, please reach out to us at support@mikesdivestore.com where we have a team of scuba diving professionals, here to assist you with any questions that you may have.

2 minute read